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Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to maintain leadership in the design, production, and construction of precast/prestressed concrete. ALRASHID-ABETONG will remain a well-known supplier/partner, providing high quality and professional service to meet our current and future customers' expectations. This will be the foundation for continuous growth.


We will continue our leading position in the prefabricated construction industry by designing, manufacturing, and constructing advanced building concepts based on precast concrete elements. We will constantly strive to meet and exceed customer expectations through skilled and trained employees and system technology integration.

Quality policy

We are committed to providing high-quality products and excellent services in the design, production, and construction of ready-mix/prestressed concrete to achieve customer satisfaction. We will:

  • Apply an effective quality management system based on ISO 9001-2008.

  • Set and review the achievements of quality objectives based on the annual plan to maintain continuous improvement in all aspects of the business.

  • Create a motivating and rewarding work environment.

  • Enhance productivity and efficiency by providing appropriate resources to meet our customers' needs, enabling the provision of world-class goods and services at optimal cost.

  • Ensure a healthy and pollution-free environment through strict environmental control.


    • To fulfill all aspects of the company’s contractual commitments in a way that satisfies our clients.

    • To be leaders in all areas of our business.

    • To provide our employees with stability and a good working environment.

    • To create, foster, and encourage a spirit of participation and career development.

    • To achieve sustainable growth for our business with consistent profitability.

© Al Rashid 2020 / All rights reserved | Designed by Olivo Technologies
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© Al Rashid 2020 / All rights reserved | Designed by Olivo Technologies
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