The double tee slab (DTS) is two symmetrical beams that interact with a slab to form a section with the shape of a “double tee.” The design maximizes the use of beam height and slab thickness. As a result, the self-weight of DTS is relatively low compared to the load capacity.
If you need a long span, 15–30 m and slabs that can carry heavy loads, DTS from ALRASHID-ABETONG is the system of choice.
DTS is mainly used in car park structures, offices, substations, bridges, and shopping malls, especially in entertainment areas where loads are usually heavy.
Double tee slabs are usually 2.4 m wide; this gives many square meters per piece, so the erection work goes very fast.
The depth of the DTS is from 40 to 100 cm including the flange thickness which depends on span and superimposed loads.
DTS is fire rated.
ALRASHID-ABETONG can also produce this type of slab using only a single beam or single tee slabs. Then, the distance between the beams can be smaller, and it will be possible to get longer spans and heavier loads.