Solid slabs are used to handle higher points or line loads.
They are often used as a supplement in hollow core systems where powerful forces and heavy loads are concentrated or where appropriate pieces or irregular shapes are required.
The rigid slab also provides very good sound reduction and provide a very good fire rating. Rigid slabs can be manufactured as prestressed or non-prestressed.
Form slabs consist of solid concrete slabs 60-120 mm thick, prestressed or non-prestressed, made to interact with the concrete layer poured on site.
To ensure complete bonding of the second casting, the upper surface is rough, and the form slabs are equipped with protruding lattice girders (connecting reinforcement ladders).
The main reinforcement in the slab form is easily completed (if needed) with reinforcement in any direction before the second casting, as well as pipes for electrical and plumbing works.
The slab form is a structural element and, at the same time, a mold that will not be removed. The advantage of saving time and cost is obvious.
ALRASHID-ABETONG solid and form slabs are of very high quality so that the finishing work and the painting cost can be kept to a minimum.